In this blog entry, the professional Chicago dryer vent cleaning service team here at EmDuct will describe what to look for if you notice burn marks around your dryer vent, what these mean, and what to do if you notice any.
It’s possible that you might have noticed burn marks around a few events on the back of your dryer vent. This should never be ignored. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, over 90% of household fires begin because of fires. This is why it’s essential to have your dryer vents professionally maintained, cleaned, and repaired – to help prevent this dangerous risk of fire.
What is the vent in the back of my dryer used for?
Most clothing dryers have two vents located at their rear. The left vent is known as the heat inlet grille, which helps to evenly distribute heat, stops overheating, and moves heat into the main component of the dryer, the “drum.” The right vent is known as the outlet grille, and it’s meant to exhaust air outside, remove moisture and link, and protect airflow.
Why does my dryer vent have burn marks?
The hot air that is pushed through an inlet grille operates similarly to exhaust systems, allowing heat to move into the dryer machine through the inlet grille and move through the outlet while your clothing is being dried. Burn residue on dryer vents can be caused by:
- Color running off from clothes
- Regular heavy usage
- Heat moving through vents
- Finishes being removed by heat
- Foreign objects getting melted
A single one of, or combination of, these factors can cause burn-like marks on your dryer.
Are burn marks on my dryer grate dangerous?
Usually burn marks, or burn-like marks, on dryer grates is a small issue and not a fire hazard in and of itself, as it’s common with all dryers that are regularly used. Heat, color from clothing, and regular usage can rapidly discolor the dryer grille causing it to appear burned. This is not possible to prevent. If you are concerned about the aesthetics of your dryer, you can replace the metal grille, but residue will impact this replacement part as well.